A guide to Italy’s key building bonuses in 2021

Homeowners in Italy can benefit from a variety of building bonuses on offer, which have been extended throughout 2021.

There’s even more financial aid you could get your hands on in addition to the widely reported Superbonus scheme, which offers a tax rebate on up to 110 percent of the expenses incurred for certain property restorations.

The Decreto Rilancio (Relaunch Decree), introduced in 2020 in response to the Covid-19 emergency, saw an increase to the state kitty for both the so-called ‘Ecobonus’ and the ‘Sismabonus’ restoration bonuses.

Since almost three-quarters of Italy’s homes are over 50 years’ old, according to the Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Revenue Agency), there’s an enduring demand for reinvigorating many neglected properties.

But there’s more you could be eligible to claim this year, in conjunction with the above two schemes.

Further to the financial package available for making energy upgrades and reducing seismic risk, there is also a government pot for furniture, refreshing gardens and optimising water consumption.

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Can anyone with a property in Italy claim these bonuses?

Unlike the ‘Ecobonus’ and the ‘Sismabonus’, most of these bonuses are for people who pay taxes in Italy, as they are mainly tax-deductible schemes.

Therefore, you can offset the taxes on your income if you decide to dip into these government property pots. They’re not all tax deductible, though, and some bonuses are available to residents in Italy and non-residents alike.

Here’s a breakdown of the other major building bonuses, aside from the Superbonus scheme, that you might qualify for.

Note: These are complex and subject to change, so it’s important to get professional advice before buying and renovating.

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There are different government bonuses you could claim to renovate property. Photo: Henry & Co/Unsplash

The Renovation Bonus

The Bonus Ristrutturazioni was included in the government’s Legge di Bilancio 2021 (Budget Law 2021) once again. Continuing throughout 2021, you can apply for a 50 percent tax reduction on carrying out renovation work in both individual properties and condominiums.

You must be an Italian resident paying income tax, known as ‘IRPEF’, to access this bonus.

There’s a maximum limit on expenses of €96,000 and the 50 percent offset to taxes is divided into annual instalments for 10 years. So that means you can deduct €48,000 over 10 years with this scheme.

There is a raft of allowances for accessing this bonus. These include making repairs on property that has been damaged, building garages or parking spaces, increasing security of the property such as installing gates, security doors and CCTV, removing asbestos and gas detection equipment.

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This scheme is available to taxpayers in Italy, including both residents and non-residents. Not only can the owner of the property claim the 50 percent tax deduction, but also tenants, members of cooperatives and people who make an income from partnerships and family businesses.

Condominiums can also take advantage of the bonus for work in common areas.

In a move to increase transparency of tax trails, the government included payment instructions in the Budget Law. Paying for renovation services must be recorded either through bank or postal transfers.

More details on this bonus can be found here.

You could access government funds to spruce up your garden. Photo: Elija Hail/Unsplash

The Green Bonus

The Bonus Verde was also extended in the government’s Budget Law and is available until the end of the year.

You could get state help for landscaping your garden or private outdoor areas of existing property, supplying plants and shrubs, doing work on fences, irrigation systems, building…

Read More: A guide to Italy’s key building bonuses in 2021

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